


There is now a non-surgical alternative for patients who are short-sighted but do not wish to wear contact lenses or spectacles during the day. Pop in a pair of these special lenses before you go to sleep and your sight will be adjusted to provide effective vision (without the need for correction), the following day. Watch the video here


The technique is called orthokeratology and the lenses are made from a special, highly oxygen permeable material. When worn ovenight they apply a controlled shape to the cornea (the front of the eye) which effectively eliminates shot-sightedness during the next day. This approach has been used in Europe for over 10 years and is now available to you!


Four initial appointments are required to ensure the quality of your vision, and the health of your eyes, after which a regular checkup is scheduled at similar intervals to those for normal contact lens users.

  1. The optician checks for suitability then accurately measures the contours of the eye. This data is then used to precision engineer lenses for the individual user
  2. Lenses are collected and fitted, and a further appointment is made for the following morning.
  3. The eye and lenses are checked using the corneal topographer
  4. A week later, the user is given a further check up to ensure they are totally satisfied with the treatment


  • Q: Are the lenses painful?

Absolutely not. Nocturnal lenses are specifically designed for the shape of your eye and you are not aware of them as you sleep.

  • Q: Can I see if I get up in the night?

A: Your vision with Nocturnals is great whether you are wearing them or not.

  • Q: What happens if it doesn’t work for me?

A: Another benefit of Nocturnals is that the procedure is totally reversible. If you don’t like them, you simply stop wearing them and your eyes will return to normal.

  • Q: What happens if I forget to wear the lenses one night?

A: If you miss one night, you will still be able to see the following day. In fact, some users find they only need to wear them every second or third night